Kyoji Shirai: Shinsen-gumi

Heibonsha: the first volume of the complete set of public romacnes (Kyoji Shirai)

The current available version of Shinsen-gumi published by Kodansha.

Let me introduce today another great work of Kyoji Shirai, namely “Shinsen-gumi”.
Shinsen-gumi was serialized from 1924 through 1925 on a weekly magazine “Sunday Mainichi”. Sunday Mainichi was published by Mainichi Newspapers Co., Ltd as the first weekly magazine in Japan. As the name shows, the magazine was first published as a Sunday issue of Mainichi newspaper. Since the distinction between normal newspaper and this weekly magazine was not clear for many readers, the number of prints remained stagnant in the early stage. The publisher then tried to make the contents of this weekly magazine clearly different from daily newspapers and it placed Kyoji’s new romance on the top of the magazine. It was a kind of gamble for the publisher, but very interesting stories of Kyoji’s novel attracted many new readers and the financial status of the magazine was thoroughly stabilized.
Another important topic related to this romance is that it was put in the first volume of the Heibonsha’s complete set of public romances, to which Kyoji committed himself very much. The fact that 330 thousands copies were sold for the first volume brought a big success to this set.
Shinsen-gumi was a group of Samurai warriors who guarded Kyoto under the authority of the Tokugawa Shogun regime from around 1863 through 1867. Many members of Shinsen-gumi took rather violent and brutal ways to guard Kyoto and killed many pro-Imperialists by their Japanese swords. Shinsen-gumi was one of the most favored topics for many novelists of public romance at that time.
Kyoji, however, did not write an usual story related to Shinsen-gumi. The story of the romance was mostly of battles between three different schools of spinning tops. Spinning tops were not only toys for kids but also a genre of street performance in Japan. A school of spinning tops here means combination of street performers and meister-level artisans. The first battle was between Orinosuke of Tajimaryu school and Monbee of Kinmonryu school. In this battle, two beautiful ladies were the prize of the battle, and the lady of the lost side had to be gifted to a foreign merchant. The second battle was between Orinosuke and Inosuke of Fushimiryu in Kyoto. In the second battle, both participants tried to get the heart of a lady.
These battels of spinning tops described in this romance were technically very deep and enthusiastic. For example, the both sides selected very special types of wood for their tops and the battle started from guessing which type of wood the counterpart selected. Orinosuke used one very special wood growing on the Nokogiri-yama mountain in Chiba, while Monbee selected one growing on Ontake mountain in Nagano. The Monbee’s top could generate strange wind while it spins trying to weaken the rotation of the counterpart’s top. The Orinosuke’s top, however, was not affected by the wind from the Monbee’s top, since he used a special wood growing on Nokogiri-yama mountain. (It means that Monbee failed to presume the type of wood used for the Orinosuke’s top). This kind of “professional” battles between two craft-persons attracted the then readers much and made them excited.
On the contrary to the battles of tops, Shinsen-gumi plays only in the background of the stories. Orinosuke witnessed the famous Ikedaya incident in which Shisen-gumi killed many famous pro-Imperialists. Kyoji developed a new way of fights between appearing characters in a romance other than sword battles (Chambara). This can be compared to the fact that he adopted a battle by debates in Fuji ni tatsu Kage.
The impression of this romance to the readers was tremendous and people requested Kyoji to write another romance of this type and it distressed Kyoji later for a long period, since he was thinking that he was always trying to change his styles and did not want to stay at the same stage.






「原子力潜水艦シービュー号」の”The saboteur”

「原子力潜水艦シービュー号」の”The saboteur”を観ました。今回も冷戦ものですが、今回は「某国」がPeople’s republic…ということで中国です。冒頭でクレーン艦長が頭部に電極を付けられて、電流を流されて拷問されながら洗脳されています。結局クレーンは洗脳に負けて、シービュー号が行おうとしている新型ICBMの発射実験を妨害し、ネルソン提督を殺す命令を受けそれを承諾します。アメリカがこのICBMの実験を急いでいたのは、ある国際会議にアメリカ大統領が出席し、そこでこの兵器の完成をアピールして、敵国を牽制する、という冷戦時代ならではの身も蓋もない理由です。




昨日は有給休暇を取って「サーチ」(原題:Searching)を観て来ました。Eigoxのある先生のお勧めです。最近の映画には珍しく脚本がしっかりした映画だと思いました。原作はあるのかと思って調べてみましたが、インド系アメリカ人の監督が自分で書いているみたいです。監督がインド系、そして主人公が韓国系アメリカ人、場所がシリコンバレー(サンノゼ)と実にカリフォルニアのエイジャン・テイストが溢れる映画になっています。脚本の良さに加え、すべての画面がパソコンかスマホのアプリ画面上で映され、普通に撮影した動画はまったくないという、実に今日的な映画です。そしてFacebok, Twitter, Tumblerその他の実在のSNS画面が次々に登場し、何か映画を観ているのか、パソコンをいじっているのか分からなくなります。でも、今私が50年前のアーウィン・アレンのテレビドラマを観て笑っているように、後50年経ってこの映画を観たら、ああ、この頃はこんな原始的なことをやっていたんだ、と思うと思います。主人公の父親はシリコンバレーのハイテク企業勤務という設定なんでしょうが、ともかくインターネットを駆使して、娘の失踪の謎に迫って行きます。一部どうやって娘が使っているパスワードを突き止めたのかとか多少の突っ込み個所はありますが、全体的には非常に良く出来た映画でした。

「原子力潜水艦シービュー号」の”The human computer”

「原子力潜水艦シービュー号」の”The human computer”を観ました。今回の話は、久し振りに「某国」が登場します。シービュー号に最近開発された(その当時の)スーパーコンピューター(といってもリレー式(^_^;))を取り付けて自動運転させ、軍事演習でテストが行われます。最初のテストでは魚雷3発の内2発は回避しましたが、最後の1発に当たってシービュー号沈没の判定。開発した博士は一回目の失敗は1個のトランジスターの不良が原因といい、シービュー号は二回目のテストに入ります。この回ではそのスーパーコンピューターとクレーン艦長だけが搭乗します。ここで登場するのが某国で、こっそりとスパイをシービュー号に乗り込ませ(何でそんなに簡単に乗り込めるのかがきわめて不思議)クレーン艦長を事故に見せかけて殺し、その後スーパーコンピューターのプログラムを入れ替えて自国へシービュー号を持ち帰り、その秘密を全部解析してしまおう、という陰謀です。軍事演習は今回はスーパーコンピューターは完璧ですべての攻撃を回避し、海底に着地します。その後某国スパイが登場し、シービュー号の艦内でのクレーン艦長との息詰まるサスペンス劇となります。色々あって結局クレーン艦長は艦内の一番狭い部屋に閉じ込められ、そこで空気を止められ、窒息死寸前になります。たまたま(?)その部屋にあった短時間の潜水用のボンベを使って、クレーン艦長はバラストタンクの水中を潜ってその部屋から脱出します。取り敢えず、コンピューターとシービュー号を接続しているワイヤを切断し、自動運転を切ります。そして某国スパイと格闘戦になり、最後は何と潜望鏡を下げて敵スパイを動けなくします。

NHK杯戦囲碁 趙治勲名誉名人 対 芝野虎丸7段


TOEIC L&R第234回受験

TOEIC L&R 第234回を受験しました。場所は明治大学の生田キャンパスで多分3回目です。前回965点取れたのでもういいかと思っていましたが、今回は1年半前の受験時よりリスニングがかなり向上したのではないかと思ってそれを確認するのが主目的でした。しかし、実際は風邪薬を飲んで若干頭がぼうっとしていたせいか、リスニングは苦戦し、よく聞き取れないで山勘で解答したのが数問ありました。下手したら前回より下がっているかもしれません。これに対し、リーディングは特に難しいと思う問題もなく、比較的すらすら解けて、最後は8分くらい余ったので最初の30問を見直して1問修正出来ました。こちらは前回よりいい感じですが、問題が全体的に易しい時は高得点が出にくいと聞いていますので、さてどうなるか。しかしどうでもいいですが受験者の8割以上は大学生に見えます。生年月日を解答用紙にマークシートで記入しますが、西暦の最初の選択肢が1と2があります。後数年で2000年以降生まれの人の比率の方が増えて、2をマークする人の方が多数派になるんだと思います。

Food safety

The following essay is what I wrote as a writing assignment of an English school AEON. The title this time is “Food Safety” and I described three notorious incidents in Japan.

Topic Food safety
Style Formal

We eat to live, not we live to eat. Food is, however, one of the most essential parts for our health. In the traditional thought of oriental medicine, foods occupy the crucial part of medication. In Japan, we believe that we can drink rather safe water and eat mostly safe foods. Despite the alleged fact that Japan is the safest country in the world for water and foods, it does not mean that Japan is 100% free from risks caused by poisonous water or foods. Let us look at three notorious examples happened in Japan from the late 1950’s to the present:

(1) Morinaga Milk arsenic poisoning incident (1955)
Dry milk corrupted by arsenic produced at the Morinaga’s Tokushima factory killed 130 infants and 12,044 suffered from arsenic intoxication for a long period. This is practically the first incident in Japan where the safety of food was strictly reviewed and the related consumer protests were highly activated. Because this incident happened during the country’s rapid growing period, the then government tried to protect Morinaga rather than to defend the victims and actually oppressed the related consumer activism. In 1969, 14 years after 1955, a professor at Osaka university found that the victims still suffered from aftereffects and it stirred up strong boycott campaign in all over Japan. Morinaga finally accepted its responsibility and closed its Tokushima factory in 1970.

(2) Kanemi oil symptoms (Yusho) incident (1968)
Because of edible oil contaminated by PCB (polychlorinated biphenyl), more than 14,000 people suffered from skin and visceral disorder. Some pregnant mothers gave birth to so called “black babies” and it stunned people all over the world. The oil was produced by Kanemi Warehouse company and PCB that was used as a heat medium in the production line leaked from wrongly allocated pipes and was mixed with edible oil. PCB changes to dioxins once heated and caused many health troubles for the victims. The production and import of PCB were prohibited in 1975, although it had been until then widely used as a good insulating material.

(3) Yukijirushi mass food poisoning incident (2000)
14,780 people who drank Yukijirushi’s low-fat milk described symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, or abdominal pains. Despite the fortunate fact that no one died, it was the biggest incident related to food safety in Japan. In this case, the reaction of Yukijirushi was quite bad and what the CEO said in an interview was harshly criticized. (He said that he has not slept at all by the incident). Although Yukijirushi was one of the biggest food related companies at that time, it lost its market share in a very short period and it was finally absorbed by another company.
The current relatively safer status for food was built upon such harsh experiences. Some weekly magazines now frequently report the risk of foods imported from China. We can be sure that China will also experience such incidents in the near future. (Please note that many visitors from China to Japan often buy Japanese dry milk including Morinaga’s claiming that they are much safer than Chinese companies’ products. It sounds very ironic.)