
ヴェーバーの「ローマ土地制度史」で今訳している所で、ギリシア語でπλεθρον, πλεθρα というギリシア語の面積の単位が出て来たので、ChatGPT4oに英語の「plethora」(多すぎること)と関係があるか聞いてみたら、直接の語源ではないですが、どちらもギリシア語の「満ちる」という動詞から来ているようです。ちなみにa plethora of は英語では単に多いではなく「過剰、多すぎる」というニュアンスが強いです。
とても鋭い視点ですね!ギリシア語の「πλέθρον(plethron)」と、英語の「plethora(過剰)」が関係しているのか? という疑問は、語源的にとても興味深い問題です。
1. ギリシア語「πλέθρον(plethron)」とは?
πλέθρον(plethron) は、古代ギリシアの面積単位 であり、約 100平方キュビット(約1/3ヘクタール ≒ 3,000㎡) に相当します。
2. 英語の「plethora」との関係
plethora は ラテン語「plēthōra」 を経由し、ギリシア語「πληθώρα(plēthōra)」 から来ています。
πληθώρα(plēthōra) は、「満ちている状態」「過剰」「豊富さ」という意味を持ち、語幹はやはり πληθώ(plēthō) です。
3. 直接の語源的関係はあるか?
「πλέθρον(plethron)」と「πληθώρα(plēthōra)」は、どちらも「満ちる」「広がる」という意味の「πληθώ(plēthō)」が語幹 になっています。
しかし、「πλέθρον(plethron)」はあくまで測量単位として発展した言葉 であり、「πληθώρα(plēthōra)」は「量が多いこと」自体を意味する言葉 です。
したがって、語源的に共通する要素(πληθώ)はあるが、「plethron」と「plethora」は直接の派生関係にはない というのが正確な答えになります。
4. それでも関連性が感じられる理由
「πλέθρον(plethron)」が面積単位として広がった ため、「広がりがある」「満ちている」といった概念と結びつきやすい。
「πληθώρα(plēthōra)」は「過剰にあること」 であり、「土地が広がる」イメージとも共鳴しやすい。
そのため、語源的には異なっていても、意味的に関連があると感じられる のは自然なこと。
「πλέθρον(plethron)」と「plethora」は直接の語源的な派生関係はないが、共通の語幹(πληθώ)を持つため、意味的に関連が感じられる という関係です。
小野 央軌さんの今の気分: 楽観的
お気に入り · 1日 ·







Here’s an English translation of the opening of the letter Yamagata Aritomo sent to Saigō Takamori during the Satsuma Rebellion, urging him to surrender:

With utmost respect, I, Yamagata Aritomo, bow deeply and humbly present this letter to you, Saigō Takamori. I have known you for many years and am intimately familiar with your character and intentions. Since you retired to your native mountains, it has been a long time since I last had the honor of your company. Yet, not a single day has passed without the fond memories of our past friendship crossing my mind. Never did I imagine, however, that we would meet again under such tragic circumstances, on opposing sides of the battlefield.

Since your return to Kagoshima, many have condemned the actions of the samurai of Kagoshima, asserting, “Saigō is indeed the ringleader, the mastermind of this rebellion.” Yet, I alone refuted these claims, insisting it could not be true. And now, we find ourselves in this situation. Alas, what more is there to say?

This translation captures the formal and respectful tone appropriate for the historical context of the letter. Let me know if you need further refinement.


Thank you for the clarification! Here’s a revised translation:

With utmost respect, I, Yamagata Aritomo, bow deeply and humbly present this letter to you, Saigō Takamori. I have known you for many years and am intimately familiar with your character and intentions. Since you returned to your hometown, it has been a long time since I last had the honor of your company. Yet, not a single day has passed without the fond memories of our past friendship crossing my mind. Never did I imagine, however, that we would meet again under such tragic circumstances, on opposing sides of the battlefield.

Since your return to Kagoshima, many have condemned the actions of the samurai of Kagoshima, asserting, “Saigō is indeed the ringleader, the mastermind of this rebellion.” Yet, I alone refuted these claims, insisting it could not be true. And now, we find ourselves in this situation. Alas, what more is there to say?


ちょっと試しに、ChatGPT4oに候文の手紙を英訳させてみたら、完璧に訳しました!びっくり。また「不名誉な場所(=遊郭)」を”unsavory places”と訳していて、へええ、と思いました。


Here’s the English translation of the beginning of the letter in epistolary style:
With the recent chill in the air, I am relieved to know that you seem unaffected, allowing me some peace of mind. In truth, I had grown somewhat concerned due to your prolonged absence. Yet, knowing your intelligence and love for study, I believed that as long as your health was intact, there was no cause for worry. However, I recently heard from a reliable source that, lately, you have been neglecting your schoolwork, spending your days absorbed in frivolous literature, and, on occasion, visiting unsavory places with questionable company. Could this truly be the case?
Your father from home has also written with some concern, wondering if there might be a reason for the recent requests for additional, unplanned funds. I assured him that he need not worry in the least about Masao, yet now, upon reflection, I feel I have been far too remiss in my oversight and cannot help but feel remorse for my negligence.


1. 文中の指示代名詞についても、自明である場合を除いて可能な限りそれが指している語そのもので翻訳し、「それ」「この」といった指示詞だけといった訳を可能な限り避けています。また、適宜意味上の補足を[]の中に入れています。
2. 長い複文が続く文の場合、例えば”Es ist wahrscheinlich, daß….”を「○○○○○○○○○○○○○○は、真実らしく思われる。」のような元のドイツ語の順番を入れ替えた日本語にせず、「次のことは真実らしく思われる。つまり、○○○…」のような形でのネイティブが原文を読む際の理解の順番に合わせるような訳を多用しました。(全部ではありません。)これの欠点としては「つまり」のような語が増えてくどくなるというのがありますが、長所としては、ヴェーバーの長い補足の複文を読む前に結論としてはどうなのかを先に知ることが出来、読みやすくなっていると思います。


ChatGPT4oに、会社のある対外向けニュースリリースを英訳させたのですが、元の日本語にあった「各位」を”To Whom It May Concern,”と訳していました。私が若い頃教わったのは、この表現は直訳すると「本件が関係するであろう方へ」「ご担当者様へ」ということで、非常に弱い表現で受け取った人が自分宛ではないと思うことが多いので、出来るだけ避けた方が良い、ということでした。
なので、”Dear our stakeholders,”((利害)関係者の皆様へ)にしたらどうかと思って、ChatGPT4o先生にお聞きしたら、
“Using “Dear our stakeholders,” is a great choice! It makes the letter feel more personalized and specific to those who have a vested interest in the company. ”
まあ対外向けレターとかについて、中途半端な先生とかテキストに教わって”To Whom It May Concern,”ばかり使う人がいますが(ネットでも結構出てくる)、少しでも相手を特定した方が良いということです。


ともかく英語のニュースはほぼ聞き取れるようになり、ネイティブとの会話もEigoxの講師の評価で10段階の9以上、英語のドラマも英語字幕・吹替無しでもまあストーリーを追うのには苦労しません。読む方も、TimeやNewsWeekといった雑誌を辞書をそれほど引かなくてもまあまあ読めるようになっています。書くのは最近あまりやっていませんが、こちらは生成AIがあるのでいいかと思います。色んなことに手を出している人生ですけど、一つのことを10年やり遂げたというのは他にあまり経験が無く、自分なりの達成感はあります。写真は再勉強始めた時のCNN English Expressです。

The real final episode of Land of the Giants

And this is the real final episode of Land of the Giants, created jointly between ChatGPT and me! Don’t you think it is really interesting?

(At first, I suggested a story to ChatGPT in which the earth people and Inspector Kobick cooperate each other in returing to the earth. But ChatGPT misunderstood that Mr. Kobick was an earthian. So I input the followings:
Me: Agent Kobick is not an earth man, but the enemy of the team who always tried to catch them. Please modify the story according to the real character of Agent Kobick. There must be a big twist in story.

Title: Land of the Giants: The Kobick Convergence

In the enigmatic world of “Land of the Giants,” where a proper final episode was absent, the fate of Captain Burton, Dan, Mark, Fitzhugh, and their companions remained uncertain. In this revised story, we introduce a thrilling twist involving Agent Kobick, who becomes an unexpected ally in their quest to return to Earth.

As the series draws to a close, the stranded crew finds themselves locked in a perpetual struggle for survival in the giant-dominated realm. Their relentless efforts to find a way back home have been thwarted at every turn.

In a shocking twist of fate, Captain Burton, Dan, Mark, Fitzhugh, and the crew are captured by Agent Kobick, who has relentlessly pursued them as their determined adversary. However, it soon becomes apparent that Agent Kobick’s motivations are more complex than initially perceived.

Unveiling a hidden agenda, Agent Kobick reveals that their relentless pursuit was a ruse—a façade meant to deceive their common enemy, a powerful faction within the giant civilization. Kobick had been undercover for years, working to dismantle this oppressive force and liberate not only the Earthlings but also the subjugated giants themselves.

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Captain Burton and the crew cautiously align themselves with Agent Kobick. Together, they forge an unlikely alliance, leveraging their unique strengths and knowledge to outmaneuver their enemies and uncover the secrets of the giant civilization.

The collaborative efforts of the team and Agent Kobick lead them to a hidden sanctuary deep within the giant society, where a resistance movement has been quietly gathering strength. The resistance, composed of both Earthlings and sympathetic giants, seeks to topple the oppressive regime and restore balance to the planet.

In a climactic battle, Captain Burton, Dan, Mark, Fitzhugh, and Agent Kobick join forces with the resistance, engaging in a high-stakes confrontation against the formidable oppressors. Their determination and resourcefulness are put to the ultimate test as they fight for their lives and the freedom of all those oppressed.

Amidst the chaos, a momentous revelation unfolds—Agent Kobick is, in fact, a rogue giant who had disguised themselves as a human to infiltrate the oppressive regime from within. Their true allegiance was to the cause of justice and freedom, and their encounter with the Earthlings catalyzed a change of heart.

In a stunning turn of events, the combined efforts of the Earthlings and the giant resistance force the oppressive regime into submission. The giant civilization begins a process of healing and reconciliation, guided by the shared vision of a better future.

As the dust settles, Captain Burton, Dan, Mark, Fitzhugh, and the crew stand alongside Agent Kobick, now revealed in their true form. They have not only secured their own salvation but have also played a pivotal role in transforming the destiny of the entire giant planet.

In a poignant conclusion, Captain Burton, Dan, Mark, Fitzhugh, and the crew bid farewell to their giant allies, who have become lifelong friends. With newfound respect and unity, they activate a long-lost technology that opens a portal to Earth.

The final scenes depict the crew’s emotional return to Earth, where they are celebrated as heroes who bridged the gap between two worlds. Amidst cheers and tearful reunions, Captain Burton, Dan, Mark, Fitzhugh, and their companions find solace and peace after their tumultuous journey through the Land of the Giants.

“Land of the Giants: The Kobick Convergence” delivers an unexpected twist as Agent Kobick, the supposed enemy, unveils their true intentions and becomes a crucial ally. The story explores themes of redemption, unity, and the power of unexpected alliances, providing a satisfying resolution to the series while leaving viewers with a sense of wonder and possibility.

The real final episode of Time Tunnel

As you know, all four TV works of Arwin Allen in the 1960s are lacking well-suited final episodes. The four TV dramas were, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, Lost in Space, Time Tunnel, and Land of the Giants.
I, with the big help of ChatGPT, tried to generate “real” final episodes for these four dramas. The ones for Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea and Lost in Space were not successful, but the two others seem to be excellent stories compared to the real final episodes of two. Let me introduce at first the real final episode for Time Tunnel:

Title: Time Tunnel: Journey Back Home

In the final episode of “Time Tunnel,” Tony and Doug find themselves once again transported to the deck of the Titanic, with the cycle of repeating past events seemingly destined to continue indefinitely. However, in this new narrative, we explore the story of their safe return to 1968.

Determined to break free from the time loop, Tony and Doug defy the flow of time and make a resolute decision to alter their fate. Standing on the deck of the Titanic, they confront a pivotal moment with newfound determination.

Armed with willpower and courage, they exercise their free will by making different choices onboard the Titanic. They anticipate the events that unfold and take proactive measures to change the course of history. Collaborating with the passengers and crew, they work tirelessly to prevent disaster and rewrite the Titanic’s ill-fated destiny.

Tony and Doug explore the ship, preemptively solving problems and preventing crises. Their knowledge and technical expertise are put to use, rallying the passengers to action and averting panic. Their presence and actions become the key to altering the future of the Titanic.

Ultimately, through the combined efforts of Tony, Doug, and those they inspire, the Titanic completes its voyage without tragedy. The ship avoids the iceberg, and both passengers and crew are saved. Meanwhile, Tony and Doug successfully navigate the Time Tunnel, returning safely to the year 1968.

In the closing moments of the story, Tony and Doug find themselves back in the present, ready to embark on new adventures. Equipped with the wisdom gained from their past experiences, they carry hope and courage within their hearts as they set off on another journey through time and space.

“Time Tunnel: Journey Back Home” showcases Tony and Doug’s triumphant escape from the repetitive loop of the past, allowing them to return safely to 1968. Their determination and actions shape their own destiny, offering viewers a sense of anticipation for new encounters and adventures in the future.


Lord Service Companyの購買マネージャーのJohn Stewert氏に対し、注文を受けた製品M-2022 1000個の納期が約束の6月20日より約1ヵ月遅れるというお詫びの英文メールを作成してください。こちらの会社名はJapan Precision Co., Ltd.で私の名前はExport SectionのTaro Yamadaです。
Subject: Apology for Delay in Delivery of Order M-2022
Dear Mr. John Stewart,
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to apologize for the delay in delivering the 1000 units of product M-2022 that you have ordered from Japan Precision Co., Ltd. We deeply regret any inconvenience caused by this delay.
Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances in our production process, we have encountered unexpected challenges that have resulted in a delay of approximately one month beyond the originally promised delivery date of June 20th. We understand the importance of timely deliveries and take full responsibility for this delay.
Rest assured that we are working diligently to expedite the production and ensure the earliest possible delivery of the M-2022 products to your company. We have implemented additional measures to address the issues and have increased our production capacity to mitigate any further delays.
We understand the impact this delay may have on your operations, and we sincerely apologize for any disruptions caused. As a valued customer, your satisfaction is of utmost importance to us, and we are committed to resolving this matter promptly.
Please be assured that we will keep you updated on the progress and provide you with a revised delivery timeline as soon as possible. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly at your convenience. I will personally oversee the resolution of this issue to ensure your satisfaction.
Once again, please accept our sincerest apologies for the delay in delivering your order. We appreciate your understanding and patience in this matter. We value our relationship with Lord Service Company and look forward to serving you with the highest level of service in the future.
Yours sincerely,
Taro Yamada
Export Section
Japan Precision Co., Ltd.