
(The following essay is what I wrote as an assignment of writing English on October 6.)

Title: Computers Style: Casual

I have a CD of Japanese Tokusatsu (special-effects dramas) theme songs. There is a song among them named “Time Limit”, and some very interesting parallel phrases are included in it. Quote:

“Turn around, turn around the earth! Angels inhabit computers. Let’s charge! They give us energy of dream and hope with some items that can increase our happiness.

Stop, stop the earth! Devils inhabit computers. Let’s charge! They bring us to the stage where we hate each other with dark and ambitious energy.” (from the ending theme of Choujinki Metalder, broadcasted in 1987 – 1988)

Is a computer an angel or a devil? It is quite an interesting and still imminent question. Now, in 2018, we can rephrase it: Is AI an angel or a devil? Since the early years of the 1960s, there has been naïve belief that computers can do everything. Nearly 60 years later, there are many people who still believe that AI can do everything. I watched recently one such story in Voyage to the bottom of the sea, an old Sci-Fi TV drama broadcasted in the 1960s. In that story, the submarine Seaview was attacked by a huge coelenterata (simply said, just a giant jelly fish), and the skipper Crane asked her computer about necessary evasive actions he should take, and he closely followed the instructions given by the computer. The drama described the then near future, namely the 1970s. We know that even in the 1970s there was no computer that could give us such sophisticated knowledge for something. But who can laugh at Irwin Allen (the director of the drama)? If we remake the drama now, the computer would be replaced by AI, eventually. There is absolutely no difference at all.

It may be true that AI programs will go beyond human beings in the near future. Some scientists expect that in 2045 and call it “singularity”. A clear and famous example is Google’s Alpha Go, AI Go program. The latest version of Alpha Go has made itself stronger and stronger by repeating battles inside it for more than 100 million times. Now the program is alleged to have reached the level that even its programmers could not expect in advance.
Since this essay is “casual”, I won’t discuss this problem further. But honestly to say, I have no answer for the above-mentioned question whether a computer/ AI is an angel or a devil. But I feel like that the year of singularity will come earlier than expected. Thus, the song “Time Limit” may sound like a prophecy, very realistic.         

Bullying in Japan

(Again, the following essay is what I wrote as an assignment of AEON.)

Topic Bullying in schools
Style Formal

Bullying in Japan is a serious, insidious, wide-spread, and long-lasting problem, not to mention bullying in schools. In the Edo era, there was a custom called “Mura hachibu” in most villages in Japan. It was a form of Japanese ostracizing, and if a resident of a village violated the laws of the village or disturbed the peace, all other residents terminated the communication with him/her in addition to the ban of the usage of common water and fuel. This system was often abused by some leaders of villages as a means of eliminating unfavorable person for them. There was no option other than to leave the village for the person who was declared “Mura hachibu”. Although this custom was judged to be illegal by the supreme court in 1909, we still hear similar cases even now.

If we describe some characteristics of bullying in Japan, the followings can be exemplified:
(1) It is usually done in a closed, small community (including a class in a school).
(2) There is/are a bully or bullies and a/some victim(s) and the others who are just neutral bystanders and are reluctant to stop bullying.
(3) It is mostly conducted in an insidious way, in stealth, without being seen e.g. by a teacher.
(4) It can start without any specific reasons and it usually lasts long.

From above mentioned characteristics of bullying, most cases are difficult to detect from the outside, and many teachers in schools are not aware of them. As for the others aside from bullies and victims, it is quite difficult for them to stop bullying because they fear that they would also be the targets of bullying if they try to stop them.
One of the harshest cases of bullying happened among groups of children who evacuated from the metropolitan areas in Japan during World War II. For example, a Japanese novelist Nobuhiko Kobayashi evacuated from downtown Tokyo to the Hanno city in Saitama. All children who evacuated there experienced serious lack of food and bullying among children was quite harsh. Kobayashi was forced to stand in a urinary pot with bare feet during the night. (He later wrote two novels based on the experiences at that time). There were a plethora of similar stories at that time.
In Japan, people are often implicitly forced “to read the air”, namely to sense the atmosphere in a group and to follow others. If we try to stop bullying in the future, it is vital to strengthen the independence of every single person so that anybody can have a courage to stop bullying.

Nobuhiko Kobayashi, Fuyu no Shinwa (A Myth in Winter)

Nobuhiko Kobayashi, Tokyo Shonen (A Boy in Tokyo)

Online dating

先日の”arranged marriage”に続いて、英会話教室AEONの英作文課題として、”Online dating”について書きました。両方が関連あるトピックです。今回教師による修正箇所は6箇所でした。下記は修正済みのものです。

Topic: Online dating
Style: Formal

(Please refer to my previous essay about “arranged marriage”, since two topics are quite closely linked each other.)
As we have seen in my previous essay about “arranged marriage”, there has been a quite drastic shift in the form of marriage from traditional arranged marriage to love marriage in just 70 years. The problem that we should carefully watch is whether people in Japan could smoothly adjust to this rapid change. From my personal experiences, there are many not pure “boy/girl-meets-girl/boy” type love-marriages in the high dominance of love marriage as 87.7% in years from 2010 to 2014. It is difficult to know exactly how much is the pure type, because most married couples might be reluctant to tell the truth of their first encounter if it was not a genuine type of love affair.
As collateral evidences, some statistics by IBJ, an organization of collected dating services in Japan, are introduced here. The number of the service companies under IBJ is 1,771, and collectively they have more than 59,000 customers. IBJ estimates the number of potential customers (namely the unmarried) as 6 million and the market size as 200 billion JPY ($1.8 billion). The service they offer is practically an Omiai itself. The difference between old and new Omiai is just who takes care of combining unmarried couple: the relatives or some acquaintances (in the past) or a service company (now).
In Japan, we call marriage related activities “Konkatsu”, being derived from the word “Shukatsu” (activities trying to get a job). It means that it is quite difficult for many young people to find a good counterpart and they need some special activities. In the past, Gokon, a matchmaking party, was popular as an example of such activities. It seems, however, online dating services operated by the companies under IBJ have replaced Gokon. There were some negative images for such services in Japan, since there was a service called Terekura (telephone club) that was often abused for prostitution by amateurs in the late 1980’s. It can be observed, however, that popularization of smartphones and SNS services might have improved the negative image of online dating services at a rapid pace.

Arranged marriage (in Japan)

AEON(英会話教室)の英作文課題で書いた”Arranged Marriage”(お見合い結婚)についてのエッセイは以下です。(教師の指摘による文法ミス10箇所修正済み)

Topic: Arranged marriage
Style: Formal

Arranged marriage may sound feudalistic, strange, and old-fashioned to most Westerners. In Japan, however, arranged marriage has been playing a significant role in pairing a man and a woman until quite recently. As you can see in Graph 1 (below), the proportion of arranged marriage was around 70% before the end of World War II, and it had been more than 50% until 1960.
In traditional Japanese society, a marriage was to establish a close relation more between two families than just between a man and a woman. There was no concept of free men and women, and everybody was considered to belong to a family. One of the biggest purposes for traditional Japanese was to let their family continue forever. (You can see the most typical case in the Japanese Emperor family, which is alleged to have continued for more than 2600 years).
The most typical arranged marriage is called Omiai, meaning literally to meet a counterpart for the first time arranged by some relatives or acquaintances. (You can watch examples in some movies of Yasujirō Ozu such as Bakushu (1951), Banshun (1949), or Sanma no aji (1962)). Please note that they were not always “forced marriage”, but the partners to be kept rights whether to accept or decline the proposed marriage. (For the sake of fairness, there were many so called “political marriages” as well and the partners to be did not have any option but to accept the marriage in these cases). Interestingly, most love-marriages were condemned as Yagō, meaning wild pairing, or more literally “intercourses in the field”.
For most systems in our society, there are almost always pros and cons. Let me play the devil’s advocate in describing the pros of arranged marriage in Japan:
(1) People trying to arrange a marriage are considered to take full responsibility for the result of the marriage. It means they were very careful in selecting a possible pair. As a result, they chose well-balanced couples in most cases.
(2) Since this system assumes a close relation of two families from the start, there are fewer troubles after the marriage compared to love-marriage.
(3) Based on the above (1) and (2), divorce rate is much lower than that of love marriage. (As you can see Graph 2, the divorce rate in 2016 is more than 30% while the portion of love-marriage reaches almost 90%).
(4) Young men and women at certain ages are forced to marry someone in this system. This kept the average marriage age at almost the same level. (Delayed marriage is quite a big problem in Japan now, because it lowers the birth rate and accordingly the total population in Japan has started to decline).
In conclusion, arranged marriage can be said to be an example of “hidden wisdom” in a traditional system.

Graph 1: Changes of Japanese marital style from 1930 through 2014

Graph 2: Changes of Japanese demographics (birth, death, marriage and divorce)









実際に米国の海兵隊と空軍では、colonelは「大佐」で、その下がlieutenant colonelで「大佐の代理をする人」で、この場合は「中佐」になる。その下がmajorで「少佐」、さらにその下がcaptainで「大尉」になる。さらにその下に、first lieutenantとsecond lieutenantが続く。この場合captainの代理を務める一番目がfist lieutenantで中尉、二番目がsecond lieutenantで少尉に相当する。

しかし、米国の海軍と沿岸警備隊では、commander -lieutenant commander – lieutenant – lieutenant junior gradeの順で、中佐-少佐-大尉-中尉になり、lieutenantは「大尉」となる。つまりアメリカではlieutenantは「大尉」「中尉」「少尉」の3つの可能性があることになる。

イギリスの軍隊でも、やはり「大尉」に相当する場合と「中尉」の場合の両方がある。(「謎の円盤UFO」のSHADOが{イギリス式の}海軍や空軍に相当するなら、lieutenant Ellisはエリス中尉ではなく、エリス大尉だと思う。)

映画やドラマを観ていると良くこのlieutenantが、ある意味軍人への普通の呼びかけ語のように使われている場合が多いことに気付く。ブリタニカによれば、lietenantの最初の説明に書いてあるのは、”the lowest rank of commissioned officer in most armies of the world.”、つまり世界の軍隊のほとんどで、最低レベルの指揮官を表す、とされている。この場合の日本語訳としては、「兵隊さん」「隊長さん」「副官」などを使うべきだと思う。ビジネスの世界で、相手の職位が不明な場合は、取り敢えずmanagerと呼ぶ、というのがあるが、ほとんどそれの軍隊版という感じである。要するに上官の命令を受けて、ある小隊(platoon)を実際に指揮して、実務や汚れ仕事を実際に引き受ける人、というイメージである。

TOEIC S&Wの出題について


TOEIC S&W についての老婆心的注意

今回、初めてTOEIC S&Wを受験してのTIPSもどきです。
(1)今回の会場(川崎)では、TOEIC S&Wと一緒に英検もやっていました。で、最初待っている時に、間違えて英検の受け付けの前で待っていました。今回余裕を持って行ったので特に問題はありませんでしたが、受験される方は気をつけましょう。
(9)Eメール回答問題では、”Best regards,”の前に自分の名前(嘘の名前で可)と部署名(適当で可)を入れるのを忘れないようにしましょう。(ビジネスで使うメールだと普通自動で署名が入るので、忘れがちです。)

TOEIC Speaking&Writing テスト/2018年7月1日初受験


TOEIC S&Wの公式練習問題集

今度の7月1日にTOEICのSpeaking&Wrtingテストを受けるので、週末はその模擬試験(公式問題集)をやっています。しかし、その模擬試験集の解答例がとても変。例えばこの写真はライティング用の問題で、この写真を見て、写っているものを”wait”と”because”の2つの単語を入れて一文で書きなさい、という問題です。その解答例が”People are waiting at the airport because their connecting flight has been canceled.”になっています。この絵のどこに「接続便がキャンセルされた」などという情報があるのか、謎です。何やら表示板は写っていますが、ぼけぼけで文字は判読できません。このテストはどうもフェイクニュースのライターを養成する試験みたいです。もう一方ではスピーキングの方で、写真の内容を出来るだけ詳しく述べなさいという問題もあり、そちらはおそらく勝手に想像を交えて脚色するのは多分不可です。