
Addlepated Amateur (1)(頭の悪い素人)
Addlepated Armorbearer (2)(頭の悪い鎧持ち)
Arrogant Automaton (1)(傲慢な自動機械)
Astigmatic Automaton (1)(乱視の自動機械)
Babbling Birdbrain (1)(おしゃべりの鳥頭)
Babbling Bumpkin (1)(おしゃべりの田舎っぺ)
Bellicose Bumpkin (4)(敵意に満ちた田舎っぺ)
Blithering Blatherskite (1)(くだらないおしゃべりのたわ言)
Blithering Booby (3)(くだらないおしゃべりをする馬鹿)
Blithering Bumpkin (1)(くだらないおしゃべりをする田舎っぺ)
Bookmaking Booby (1)(本作りの馬鹿)
Bow your Bubble (1)(泡だった頭を下げろ)
Bubble-headed Booby (9)(泡だった頭の馬鹿)
Bumbling Birdbrain (3)(どじな鳥頭)
Bumbling Bag of Bolts (1)(どじなボルトだらけの奴)
Bumbling Bucket of Bolts (1)(どじなバケツ一杯のボルト)
Bumbling Booby (1)(どじで間抜け)
Bumptious Braggart (2)(高慢ちきの自慢屋)
Cackling Cacophony (1)(クワックワッと鳴くうるさい奴)
Cackling Canister (1)(クワックワッと鳴くブリキ缶)
Cackling Clod (3)(クワックワッと鳴く馬鹿)
Cackling Coward (1)(クワックワッと鳴く臆病者)
Cackling Cuckoo (1)(クワックワッと鳴くカッコウ)
Calamitous Clump (1)(破滅的な塊)
Cantankerous Cold-hearted Clump (1)(怒りっぽい冷血の塊)
Caterwauling Clod (1)(ギャーギャー鳴く馬鹿)
Cautious Clump (1)(用心深い塊)
Clod-like Collection of Condensers (1)(馬鹿みたいなコンデンサーの集まり)
Clumsy Clod (3)(不器用な馬鹿)
Clumsy Clump (3)(不器用な塊)
Computerized Clod (4)(コンピューター化された馬鹿)
Computerized Clump (1)(コンピューター化された塊)
Confused Compass (1)(混乱したコンパス)
Cowardly Clump (7)(卑劣な塊)
Cumbersome Clod (3)(厄介な馬鹿)
Cumbersome Clump (1)(厄介の塊)
Defective Detective (1)(故障した探知機)
Demented Diode (1)(発狂したダイオード)
Deplorable Dunderhead (2)(嘆かわしい馬鹿)
Despotic Dunce (1)(横暴な劣等生)
Digital Dunce (1)(デジタルの劣等生)
Digitized Dunce (1)(デジタル化された劣等生)
Disreputable Dunce (2)(評判の悪い劣等生)
Dipety Dunce (1)(??の劣等生{dipetyという単語はOEDにも無し})
Disreputable Dunderhead (1)(評判の悪い馬鹿)
Doddering Dunderhead (1)(よぼよぼの馬鹿)
Elephantine Adam (and Eve) (1)(のっそりしたアダム{とイブ})
Ferrous Frankenstein (1)(鉄製のフランケンシュタイン)
Floundering Flunky (2)(もがき苦しむ召使い)
Foolish Fop (1)(馬鹿な気取り屋)
Frightful Fractious Frump (1)(醜悪で気難しく古くさい奴)
Gargantuan Goose (1)(巨大な馬鹿)
Garrulous Gargoyle (1)(おしゃべりな吐水口)
Gigantic Gargoyle (1)(馬鹿でかい吐水口)
Great Goose (1)(でかいガチョウ)
Gregarious Gremlin (1)(小悪魔の群れ)
Hard-headed Harbinger of Evil (1)(石頭の悪の前兆)
Hardware Hyena (1)(ハードウェアのハイエナ)
Hopeless Heap of Tainted Tin (1)(救いようのない汚れた錫の固まり)
Hypotensive Hypochondriac (1)(低血圧の心気症患者)
Ignominious Ignoramus (1)(恥ずべき無知)
Ill-informed Ignoramus (1)(大事なことを知らない無知)
Incompetent Idiot (1)(無能な白痴)
Incompetent Imbecile (1)(無能な痴愚)
Ineffectual Ineptitude (1)(無力な馬鹿)
Inept Idiot (1)(無能な白痴)
Infamous Informer (1)(悪名高い密告屋)
Ingot of Ingratitude (1)(恩知らずのインゴット)
Insensitive Idiot (1)(無神経な白痴)
Insipid Ineptitude (1)(面白みの無い馬鹿)
Iron-born Ingrate (1)(金属製の恩知らず)
Jabbering Jackanapes (1)(たわいも無いことをべらべらしゃべる奴)
Jabbering Jeremiah (1)(たわいも無いことをべらべらしゃべるエレミア)
Jabbering Judas (2)(たわいも無いことをべらべらしゃべるユダ)
Jangling Junkheap (1)(イライラさせるポンコツ車)
Juvenile Junk Pile (1)(未熟なガラクタの山)
Lame-brained Lump (1)(馬鹿の集まり)
Lead-lined Lothario (1)(鉛のライニングの入った女たらし)
Lead-lined Lump (1)(鉛のライニングの入った馬鹿)
Lily-livered Lump (2)(臆病な馬鹿)
Ludicrous Lump (3)(滑稽な馬鹿)
Lugubrious Laggard (1)(陰惨な愚図)
Lugubrious Lecture (1)(陰惨な講義)
Lugubrious Lump (2)(陰惨な馬鹿)
Meandering Mental Midget (1)(蛇行した精神の小人)
Mechanical Meddler (2)(機械のお節介焼き)
Mechanical Misfit (3)(機械のはみ出し者)
Mechanical Monolith (1)(機械の一枚岩)
Mechanical Murderer (1)(機械の人殺し)
Mechanized Maidservant (1)(機械製の召使い)
Mediocre Medical Misfit (1)(二流の医学的なはみ出し者)
Mental Midget (3)(精神的小人)
Mess of Metal (1)(機械の寄せ集め)
Metallic Monstrosity (1)(金属の怪物)
Misguided Mechanical Misery (1)(見当違いの機械の悲惨)
Misshapen Mummy (1)(奇形のミイラ)
Monstrous Mechanized Misguided Moron (1)(怪物のような機械化された見当違いの脳タリン)
Monstrous Mountebank (1)(怪物のような詐欺師)
Nattering Ninny (1)(おしゃべりの馬鹿)
Neanderthal Ninny (2)(ネアンデルタール人の馬鹿)
Negligent Ninny (1)(不注意な馬鹿)
Nervous Ninny (5)(神経質な馬鹿)
Nickel-plated Nincompoop (1)(ニッケルめっきの馬鹿者)
Nickering Ninny (1)(いななく馬鹿)
Noxious Ninny (1)(不快な馬鹿)
Obsolete Oaf (1)(廃止になったのろま)
Oversized Oaf (1)(サイズ超過ののろま)
Parsimonious Puppet (1)(ドケチの操り人形)
Pathetic Pomposity (1)(哀れを誘ううぬぼれ屋)
Pedagogical Pip-Squeak (1)(教育学の俗物)
Plasticized Parrot (1)(可塑化したオウム)
Pompous Pig Squeak (1)(横柄な豚のキーキー声)
Ponderous Plumber (1)(太った配管工)
Pot-bellied Prankster (1)(太鼓腹のいたずら者)
Pot-headed Prankster (1)(マリワナ常用者のいたずら者)
Preening Popinjay (1)(羽繕いするオウム)
Presumptuous Pip-Squeak (1)(出しゃばりの豚のキーキー声)
Presumptuous Popinjay (1)(出しゃばりのオウム)
Pretentious Popinjay (1)(思い上がったオウム)
Primitive Pile of Pistons (1)(原始的なピストンの山)
Pusillanimous Pinhead (2)(小心な馬鹿者)
Pusillanimous Pip-squeak (1)(小心な豚のキーキー声)
Pusilanimous Puppet (1)(小心な操り人形)
Pusillanimous Punka (1)(小心な扇風機{この回、ドクター・スミスはロボットに手動扇風機で扇がせていた})
Quivering Quintessence of Fear (1)(恐怖でブルブル震える質)
Ramshackle Romeo (1)(グラグラするロメオ)
Robust Rock Hound (1)(頑丈な鉱石収集家)
Ridiculous Rigmarole (1)(馬鹿げた無駄話)
Ridiculous Robot (1)(馬鹿げたロボット)
Ridiculous Roue (1)(馬鹿げた放蕩者)
Ridiculous Roustabout (1)(馬鹿げた港湾労働者)
Roly-Poly Rowdy (1)(ずんぐりの乱暴者)
Rusty Rasputin (1)(錆びたラスプーチン)
Sanctimonious Scatterbrain (1)(聖人ぶったそそっかしい人)
Scurrilous Scatterbrain (1)(下品でそそっかしい人)
Sententious Sloth (1)(偉そうなナマケモノ)
Sickening Cybernetic (1)(吐き気を催すような人工頭脳)
Silly Sausage (1)(馬鹿げたソーセージ)
Silly Sloth (1)(馬鹿げたナマケモノ)
Silver-plated Sellout (1)(銀メッキした裏切り者)
Simple Simon (2)(間抜けのサイモン=おめでたい奴)
Tarnished Trumpet (1)(変色したトランペット)
Tin-plated Tinhorn (1)(錫メッキしたはったり屋)
Tin-plated Traitor (2)(錫メッキした裏切り者)
Tintinnabulating Tin Can (1)(チンチン鳴る錫の缶)
Tiresome Thesaurus (1)(退屈なシソーラス)
Traitorous Tin Tabulation (1)(裏切り者の錫の表)
Treasonous Tyrant (1)(反逆の暴君)
Tyrannical Tin Plate (1)(暴君のような錫メッキ)
Unctuous Underling (1)(おべっか使いの下役)
Ungrateful Underling (1)(恩知らずの下役)
Wobbling Weakling (1)(グラグラする病弱者)
Worry Wart (1)(ささいなことにくよくよする人)
Aluminum Canary (1)(アルミのカナリア)
Assassin (1)(殺人者)
Automated Oaf (1)(自動式ののろま)
Bloated Blimp (1)(ブクブクと太ったデブ)
Booby (1)(ケツ)
Bubblehead (1)(馬鹿者)
Bumbling Cracker Barrel (1)(へまばかりしている田舎者)
Bungler (1)(へまばかりしている人)
Chattering Magpie (1)(おしゃべりのカササギ)
Clod (2)(馬鹿者)
Clunker (1)(おんぼろ)
Coward (4)(臆病者)
Cybernetic Simpleton (1)(電子頭脳の馬鹿者)
Cybernetic Septic (1)(電子頭脳の腐った奴)
Dunce (1)(劣等生)
Dunderhead (2)(馬鹿)
Fiend in Tin Clothing (1) (錫の服を着た悪魔)
Fugitive from a Scrapheap (1)(廃棄物置き場からの逃亡者)
Ghoul (1)(墓場荒らし)
Goose (1)(ガチョウ)
Hopeless Heap of Tainted Tin (1)(望みのない汚れた錫の山)
Hulking Mass of Mechanical Ignorance (1)(図体の大きな機械的無知の固まり)
Incompetent Walking Ingot (1)(無能な歩くインゴット)
Judas (2)(ユダ)
Lagger (1)(仮釈放の囚人)
Mealy-Mouthed Rogue (1)(自分の考えをはっきり言わないならず者)
Mechanical Dunderhead (1)(機械仕掛けの馬鹿)
Meddler (2)(お節介焼き)
Metallic Ham (1)(金属のハム)
Mr. Wrong-Way Computer (1)(邪道のコンピューター氏)
Ninny (27)(馬鹿)
Obsolete Piece of Scrap Metal (1)(廃品の金属の廃止になった部分)
Over-Cautious Concoction (1)(注意過剰の作り事)
Overgrown Ninny (1)(育ちすぎた馬鹿者)
Refugee From a Refuse Pile(くず山からの逃亡者)
Silly Goose (7)(馬鹿なガチョウ)
Silly Old Ninny (1)(愚かな年取った馬鹿)
Sniggering Cinder Box (1)(クスクス笑いする燃え殻箱)
Sorry Specimen of Computerhood (1)(哀れなコンピューターフードの見本)
Tin-plated Snitch (1)(錫メッキした垂れ込み屋)
Traitor (6)(裏切り者)
Traitorous Tin-plated Fugitive from a Junkyard (1)(ゴミ置き場から逃げて着た裏切りの錫メッキした逃亡者)
Troublemaker (1)(トラブルメーカー)
Uncultured Clump (1)(教養の無い塊)
You clinking clanking clattering collection of collagenous junk(ガチャガチャ鳴るコラーゲンのジャンクの集まり)



3.ライティングでの添削内容が、例えば今やっているIELTSのライティングの添削に比べるとレベルが低かったです。しかも、「フォーマルな文章では1人称は使わない」などのカビの生えたルールを言う先生が2人もいて、また”spend much money”ではなく、”spend a lot of money”に添削する理由が「だってmoneyはcountableだからmuchは使えない」とある先生から言われたのには本当にあきれました。(moneyは言うまでもなくuncountableです。正しい理由は、平叙文では”much money”とは言わない。疑問文や否定文ならOK、です。文法的な問題ではなく、ただ英語ではそういう慣習だというだけです。)また、essayにおけるロジカルな文の構成についての指導もまったくありませんでした。



IELTSのライティング添削で、初めてバンド7をもらいました。また、Task Responseで前回と同じくバンド8をもらいました。
H. Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology.
In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships people make?
Has this become a positive or negative development?

Many people currently communicate with others differently compared to the past due to the development of technology. While admitting the positive development that easy and quick exchange of messages can make relationships more intimate, this essay argues that such types of instant communication might hurt people’s feelings and work in a very negative way due to the lack of deliberation and other elements.

On the one hand, the development of technology has improved our ways of communication. We can text someone at any time and place. In the past, when a friend was living in a far distant place, it was quite difficult to frequently get in touch with him or her, but now we can utilize email to exchange messages easily. This type of frequent exchange of messages could increase the intimacy between people. For example, Ms. Keiko Yamamoto, living in Kanagawa, recently married Mr. Bret Clancy who is living in London. Very surprisingly, they had never met each other in person before they decided to marry. They met on the internet and deepened their relationship just by exchanging emails. However, this type of “instant” communication could work in reverse and hurt people’s feelings.

On the other hand, communication through electronic devices might ruin mutual relations due to the lack of deliberation and other important elements. Since messages can be easily sent at any moment, we tend to send them without carefully checking them. Furthermore, digital messages like emails cannot transfer important factors such as tone of voice, facial expression, or body language. In some cases, misunderstandings can be accelerated by impulsive responses by mail. A research team at the University of Alberta recently released a report claiming that couples who exchange information by text more frequently than the average couple, tend to break up easier. This proves that the biggest advantage of easy communication tends to work in reverse.

In conclusion, while advanced information technology has made the communication easier and quicker, the negative side of this, hurting people’s feelings might be more harmful than good.


IELTSのライティングの添削は7回目になりましたが(毎週土曜日に提出しています)、今回Task Response(問われていることに対しきちんとロジカルに論じているか)の項が初めてバンド8と評価されました。まあ、全体は6.5ですが、これは私の語彙レベルとか文法レベルの問題でこれ以上はそう簡単にはスコアは上げられないです。ただ、Task Responseは非ネイティブとしてはまあ十分だと思います。今回これでいい評価になったのは、今回7回目で、問題が一巡して同じパターンの問題が出たので、前回の同じパターンの模範解答を参照して、ほぼそれと同じ構成で書いたからです。以下が問題と解答です。添削した後のものです。(語数:305)


G. In many countries, the government prioritizes economic growth above all other concerns.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinion.

The governments of many nations in the world set economic development targets above all other targets. While such a policy may accelerate the destruction of the environment, this essay argues that it can improve the standard of living of people and that overrides the demerit.

One of the main drawbacks is that rapid economic growth is often accompanied by the destruction of the environment. In order to build necessary infrastructure, trees are cut down, seas are reclaimed, and mountains are excavated. An increase in the number of factories may cause serious pollution of air, water, and of soil. While Japan’s growth in Gross National Product (GNP) increased by a factor of 7.6 from 1954 to 1973, the number of complaints about pollution also jumped from 235 to 3,567 during that period. However, this essay insists that economic growth gives people better lives and it can offset the disadvantage.

The main benefit of economic growth for people in a country is that it can surely improve their standard of living. Economic expansion brings more profits to companies in the country so that they can pay higher wages to their employees. Due to increased income, people can live in better residences, eat more nutritious food, and enjoy some hobbies. The overall improvement of life can cause expanded longevity and a decreased death rate. For example, while Indonesia showed an average 6% economic growth from 1991 to 2005, the infant death rate decreased from 6.8% to 3.4% during the same period. This can dramatically improve the satisfaction of people and any government should take this seriously above all else.

To conclude, the main disadvantage for a country of prioritizing economic growth is the destruction of the environment. However, this essay insists that economic development gives people better lives and satisfaction so that the disadvantage can be overridden.






ライティングの2番目のエッセイ(この名前が勘違いの元で、短論文です)については、問題は3パターンあって、 (1)ディスカッション(ある人は…と主張し、別の人はそれは正しくないと主張しています。あなたはどちらの考えかを書きなさい、という問題)(2)アーギュメント(ある意見に対して賛成か反対かを述べる問題)(3)2つの質問に答えるもの(ある事象の原因は何か、それを解決するにはどうしたらいいか、のように2つの問いに答えるもの)






問題なのは、この試験は本来の意味の英語のライティングとしては、かなり特殊だということです。はっきり言ってビジネスの世界でこのような文章を書くことは、法律事務所とかだったら分かりませんが、一般的にほとんどないでしょうし、またアメリカではこういうスタイルのもって回った論述よりまず結論を出し、具体例を最初から出していく方が好まれ、このスタイルが汎用性があるとは言えないことです。つまり、これはエリン・メイヤーがCultural Mapで述べている欧州の人が好きな原理原則から演繹していくのに近いスタイルです。


IELTSのライティングの試験(結果5.5)で思い知ったこと。AEONでのライティングコースは、英語を書く機会を作るという意味では有用でしたが、AEONの先生(ネイティブ)による添削の内容ははっきり言ってIELTSのライティングで要求されるようなレベルのものではまるでなかったということです。AEONは7月末で止めますので、ライティングの添削サービスをインターネット上で探して、ILETS Advantageというサービスの添削を取り敢えず5回受けてみることにしました。$115です。1回辺り約2,500円ということになります。AEONのは20回の添削で3万円ちょっとでしたから、1回1,600円くらいです。

Task Response (課題への対応の適切さ)6
Coherence and cohesion (主題との関連性、まとまり)5
Vocabulary (語彙)6
Grammer (文法)7
Overall (全体)6




Favorite teacher

The following essay is what I wrote as an writing assignment for an English school AEON:

Topic: Favorite teacher
Style: Casual

I still remember the principal of my high school well. His name was Maurice Picard, and he was also called Brother Horace. He was both the third and sixth principal of St. La Salle High School in Kagoshima. His tenure as the sixth principal was from 1975 to 1982. I was in the school from 1977 to 1980. Very sadly, he died in 1982 from cancer at just 61.
He was a Canadian, and was silent, gentle, and decent. His belief of God was true and firm. When an important ceremony was going to be done at the school, he always said to us that he would pray for good weather to God, and it was always realized! We called it a miracle of Brother Horace.
Since he was the principal of the school, he just took part in the lesson of “Bible History”. It was not at all a forced religious lesson, but he just tried to give us some basic knowledge of the bible. When he checked the attendance of the students at the beginning of the lesson, he called the names of the students including both first and family names with 100% accuracy. Some given names are difficult to read even for us Japanese, but he was memorizing all names of 1,200 students both at the junior high school and the high school. In the lesson, he taught us many Christmas carols that I still remember well. (One funny thing was that he pronounced “Hark the herald” as “Ark the (ði) Erald” because he was from Quebec in Canada where people speak French).
My passed mother was shy and she scarcely opened up with someone whom she met for the first time. But when she first met Brother Horace, she soon came out of her shell and became a big fan of Brother Horace.
I put a photo of my certificate of graduation from the high school in this document. You can see in the left some English descriptions. Brother Horace wrote them for all 250 graduates’ certificates by himself (they are not printed). It proves his sincerity. Now there is a relief of him placed in the high school campus. We (all La Salle boys) strongly believe that he died earlier because he was so much loved by God.