“An oyster of a man”の出典

「新々英文解釈研究」の最初の方に出てくる、”He is an oyster of a man.”の出典と思われるものを突き止めました。(OEDでのoysterやclamで「寡黙な人、非社交的な人」という意味の用例がマーク・トウェインが多かったので、最初マーク・トウェインの何かの作品かと思って、マーク・トウェイン作品のテキストが検索出来るページで調べましたが見つかりませんでした。)John Dunlopというスコットランドの詩人(1755 ー 1820)の書いた歌詞の中に”an oyster of a man”が出てきます。しかし、これは1812年の「ジョージ・マッカルがグラスゴーの『牡蠣クラブ』から引退するにあたって」という歌であり、かなり特殊な文脈で使われていることが確認出来ます。しかもおそらく、ジョージ・マッカルという人は何らかの理由で、「牡蠣クラブ」から引退(または退職)するのであり、そこで「牡蠣のような人」というのは「牡蠣クラブを象徴するような人(または常連客、あるいは従業員)」という意味でほとんどジョーク的に使っていると考えられ、「寡黙な人」という意味ではないように思います。歌詞の中に「白鳥のように自分自身のレクイエムを歌う」とありますから、ますます無口であるという解釈はおかしいです。それに「牡蠣クラブ」はおそらく美味しい牡蠣を食べながら社交を楽しむ人の会かあるいはオイスター・バーの名前ではないかと推察されます(現在でも同名のオイスター・バーが各地にあります)ので、まったくもって「寡黙な人」はおかしいと思います。ちなみに、歌詞の中の”Tiny Lochrians ! huge Pandores !”はどちらも牡蠣の品種だと思います。(前者はOEDに載っていませんが多分「Ryan湖(Loch Ryan、塩水湖)の牡蠣」ということだと思います。18世紀の始めから牡蠣の養殖場で有名のようです。後者は”A kind of large oyster found in the River Forth, esp. near Prestonpans.”とあります。)ジョージ・マッカルは、そういう色んな牡蠣に愛される人間だけど牡蠣みたいな人、って言っているんでしょうね。調べてみたらスコットランドのグラスゴーは今でも牡蠣で有名で色んなオイスター・バーやレストランがあり、そういう町で「牡蠣のような人」というのがネガティブな意味では決してないと思います。

John Dunlop (writer)

“Dunlop of that ilk : memorabilia of the families of Dunlop … ; with the whole of the Songs ; and a large selection from the poems of John Dunlop”


[His letter of demission ended with four verses wretched poetical lines.]

The Oyster Club, in sable clad,

Laments for George M’Call,
Who, swan-like, his own requiem sings.

Weep ! Weep ! ! ye oysters all.
Tiny Lochrians ! huge Pandores !

Forget him, if you can ;
He was, creation must confess,

An oyster of a man ! !


Festivals (Senteisai in Shimonoseki city)

The following essay is what I wrote as an assignment for a writing course at an English school AEON:

Topic: Festivals
Style: Casual

I would like to introduce a famous festival held during the so-called golden week in Shimonoseki city, my birthplace. The name of the festival is Senteisai (a festival for the passed emperor) held from May 2 to May 4. The purpose of the festival is to pacify the spirit of the emperor Antoku who died young in 1185.
In late 12th century Japan, two dominant samurai families, Genji and Heike fought each other trying to get the governance of Japan. The battle of Dannoura was the last one where Genji defeated Heike completely on the Kanmon channel. It was a naval battle where many ships of the both sides fought on a very narrow channel called Kanmon channel between Honshu and Kyushu. In the first stage of the battle, Heike had superiority, but because of the change of tide, Genji finally destroyed most ships of Heike. The emperor Antoku, who was a grandson of Kiyomori Taira of the Heikes and was just 6 years old at the battle, was getting on a ship with some female retainers. Most remaining samurai and retainers drowned themselves. The young emperor asked to a female retainer where they would go. She replied that they would go to the paradise and there was another metropolis at the bottom of the sea. Then, she brought him into the sea.
Some menials were drawn up from the sea and survived. Many of them were forced to do prostitution to make a living. Later they started to hold a festival to comfort the spirit of the late emperor. That was the start of Senteisai. The most spectacle attraction on the festival is a parade of beautifully attired geisha girls called “joro dochu”. (Joro is another name of geisha in Japanese.)
It is alleged and also believed that it surely rains on at least one day among the three. We call it the tears of Heike people.
Lafcadio Hearn, aka Yakumo Koizumi in Japan, wrote a story of Miminashi Hoichi (Hoichi the earless). Hoichi was blind and was a story teller of the battels between Genji and Heike, accompanied by the biwa, a Japanese lute. He was favored by some ghosts of Heike. Whenever he told the story to them, all the ghosts cried harshly at the scene of the death of the young emperor. A famous priest tried to save his life and wrote holy scripts of Buddhism on all parts of his body. But because the priest failed to write them on Hoichi’s ears, his ears were found and taken by the ghosts. He survived, but later he was called Miminashi Hoichi, Hoichi the earless.



(5-b) He is the incarnation of avarice.
He is truly a greedy man. とかで十分だと思います。

(17-a) I do not love him the less for his faults.(彼には欠点があるがそれでも好きだ。)
I love him none the less for his faults.の方が普通と思います。

(22-a) I am only too delighted to accept your kind invitation.(大喜びでご招待に応じます。)
(24-b) We have two dogs, a white one, and a black one; the one is larger than the other.
このthe oneが前者で、the other が後者という説明になっています。ですがこれを口頭で言われたら、ほとんどの人にどちらがどちらか分からないでしょう。こんなものを覚える暇があったら、the former, the latter という「普通の」表現をまず覚えるべきです。

(65-a) I have a liking for that man.
以前「謎の円盤UFO」で”I’ve no liking for you blacks.”という強烈な人種差別発言が出てきました。


中1用の英語の教科書、もう一冊(New Crown)

中学1年生用の英語の教科書、もう一冊、シェアでは3位の”New Crown”も買ってみました。(New Horizon、Sunshine、New Crownの合計でシェアは8割を超えるようです。)こちらもマンガが多いですが、絵柄がいかにも教科書的というか、NHKのEテレのアニメの絵という感じであまり好きになれません。こちらもアメリカやイギリスだけでなく、何故か中国人の生徒やタイ人の生徒などが登場します。要するに英語の授業は単に英語の授業という意味以外に国際化教育という要素も持っているんだと思います。それならもっと移民を受け入れればいい、と思うのは私だけでしょうか。大体日本にある本物のインターナショナルスクールなら、授業自体がおそらく英語で行われているのでこんな初歩的な教科書は使わないと思います。多くの普通の中学校の生徒は、自分達の学校とまるで違う空想の世界のお話を学ばせられるということになります。

“He is an oyster of a man.”

“He is an oyster of a man.”は、山崎貞著の「新々英文解釈研究」という参考書のかなり冒頭の部分に出てくる表現で、その本の訳では、「彼はかき(牡蠣)みたいな(寡黙な)人だ。」となっていました。今は知りませんが、私が高校生の頃は、この本は英語の参考書として必ず買って勉強すべき本の一つという位置付けのもので、実際に買った人も多いと思います。買った人が最後まで読むかというのは別の話ですが、少なくとも買った以上は勉強してみようと思い、最初の方でこの文に遭遇する訳です。著者の山崎貞(やまさき・てい)という人はWebで調べたら1883年生まれ、1930年没の明治生まれのかなり昔の人です。(この本の初版は大正元年、その後大正4年に改訂されて「新」が頭に付き、昭和33年の原著者の没後に更に別の人により改訂され「新々」となっています。「新」は何と105刷まで行っています。)おそらく著者は何かの文学作品等でこの表現にぶつかり、印象的だったので覚えていてここで使ったのでしょうが、問題は”oyster of a man”という表現はネイティブには文字通り「牡蠣のような人」という意味でしかなく、直ちに「寡黙な人」というのには結びつかないことです。先日、Eigoxのレッスンで大学で文化人類学を専攻したかなり頭のいい先生にこの表現の意味が分かるか聞いてみましたが、「何を言っているのか分からない、聞いたことがない。」とのことでした。そして「貝のように寡黙」と言いたいなら、”clam”という単語があり、「二枚貝(ハマグリやアサリなど)」という意味と「寡黙な人」という両方の意味があります。つまり”He is (like) a clam.”と言えば済む話です。(日本でも、昔フランキー堺主演の「私は貝になりたい」というTVドラマがありました。)また句動詞で”clam up”という表現もあり、”He clammed up on my question.”(彼は私の質問に対し黙ってしまった。)のように使います。また、”clam of a man”なら、このページで実際に使われていました。
要するに、”~of a man”は「~のような人」という比喩(直喩)の表現に過ぎず、ここで覚えるべきなのはその”~of a man”の方で、oysterはどうでもいいということです。”He is a beast of a man.”だったら、誰でも「彼は野獣のような人だ。」ですぐに通じます。
ちなみに、Yahoo! ANSWERSというサイトで、ネイティブに「この表現を使うことがあるか」と聞いた人がいますが、回答は「使ったことがない」「意味が分からない」でした。

一応OEDには、確かにoysterで「無口な人、他人とあまりコミュニケーションをしない人」という意味が載っています。しかし、用例に”an oyster of a man”はありませんし、一番新しい用例で1930年のものです。その中のトップはマーク・トウェインのものです。実はclamの「寡黙な人」という用例にもマーク・トウェインが出てきます。そして「新々英文解釈」でも練習問題などにマーク・トウェインが登場します。とすると、”an oyster of a man”はもしかするとマーク・トウェインの何かの作品に登場していたのではないかと思います。

4. A reserved or uncommunicative person. Cf. clam n.2 2.
a1910 ‘Mark Twain’ Let. in C. Clemens My Father, Mark Twain (1931) iv. 47 The Tribune review of Roughing It was written by the profound old stick who has done all the Tribune reviews for the last 90 years. The idea of setting such an oyster as that to prating about Humor!
1925 M. Wiltshire Thursday’s Child xi. 221 I wouldn’t mind betting Jane’s worrying herself sick over it; and he—goodness knows what he’s doing or feeling. I never saw such an oyster.
1930 J. B. Priestley Angel Pavement vi. 305 I never knew anybody so close, you old oyster you!



Eigoxのレッスンで日本の英語教育について話し、今の中学一年生が使う英語の教科書はどうなっているんだろうと思い、開隆堂の”Sunshine”と東京書籍の”New Horizon”を取り寄せてみました。さすがに私の時代の”This is a pen.”や”I am a boy.”はどこにも見当たりませんが(ちなみにに後者は今だったらLGBTの人に配慮が足らないpolitically incorrectな文章として批判されそう…)、はっきりいってマンガだらけ!しかもほとんど萌え系。特に東京書籍の方が進んでいる(?)感じで、英語の教科書なのにインド人や韓国人のクラスメートが登場します。(一体どこのインターナショナルスクールの話?)しかも中1で”doggy bag”だって…(doggy bag ってご存知でしょうが、レストランで出された料理が食べきれない時に、「犬に食べさせる」という建て前で持って帰る時の容器のことです。こんな単語知らなくたって、レストランで残った料理を持ち帰りたい、って言えばこれを持ってきてくれますけど。)



トマス・ハーディーの「妻ゆえに」”To please his wife”

高校の時の英語の先生に、Nという人がいて、その人の英語の授業で「妻ゆえに」”To please his wife”というトマス・ハーディーの短篇を読まされたことがあります。筋は要するに強欲な妻が亭主に大金を儲けるように強く言い、そのために亭主が危険な航海に出かけて命を落とす、という話です。

How could English education be improved in Japan?

The following essay is what I wrote as an assignment of English writng cource at an English school AEON:

Topic: How could English education be improved in Japan?
Style: Formal

If we start from harsh reality, Japan’s English proficiency ranking among 88 countries is 49th in 2018 according to a research of Education First company. The rank is low, even lower than some Asian countries such as Singapore, the Philippines, Malaysia, Hong Kong, South Korea, and so on.
FSI, Foreign Service Institute in the US, released data of “FSI’s Experience with Language Learning”, explaining necessary hours to learn 65 foreign languages for standard Americans who are monolingual of English. While nine European languages including Dutch, French, Italian and others are classified as category I requiring 600 – 750 hours to learn, Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Arabic are classified as category IV requiring 2200 hours and are said to be “super-hard” languages. It is vice versa that people in these four countries require very long hours to master English. Among these four countries, Chinese and English are the same in word order. For example, “I love you.” in Chinese is “wo ai nee. (我愛你)”, which is subject + verb + object for both languages. It is easier for Chinese people to understand some parts of English than Japanese. Many English teachers in Japan say that an average Japanese person needs around 3,000 hours to master English. How many hours then does a normal student in Japan learn English in a junior high school and in a high school? We usually start to learn English from junior high school at the age of 12. In three years at junior high school, there are aggregated around 350 hours of English lessons. In high schools, they are 440 hours. Even if we add some more hours at universities, the total sum of learning is still under 1,000 hours. Since there are plethora of disciplines to be taught at both junior high and high schools, we cannot simply increase the hours of English lessons. Parents should be aware of this reality and they should give more hours to learn English at home to their children.
One more worrying concern for the English education in Japan is the level of English teachers in junior high schools and high schools. The average TOEIC score of junior high school English teachers is 560 and that of high school English teachers is 620. These scores are incredibly low, especially the junior high school teachers’ score is even lower than average score of TOEIC. This means they are less proficient in English than average business people. They are not at all eligible for teaching English. They should “learn” English for the time being. The government should deal with this problem and institute a much higher level of English mandatory for English teachers applicants. If they cannot improve the situation quickly, we should hire more native speakers for schools.

Japanese food

The following essay is what I wrote as an assignment of an English school AEON.

Topic: Japanese food
Style: Casual

If we ask some foreigners about their favorite Japanese food, answers might be almost always the same: sushi, tempura, sashimi, and so on. I think the most important thing in Japanese food is not a specific type of dish, but an element or ingredient, namely, dashi. I do not think there is an exact corresponding word in English, but soup or soup stock could be the one. As for the types of tastes of human, there were only four in western countries, namely sweetness, sourness, saltiness, and bitterness. In Japan, we had one more taste called umami. Though the fifth taste was just empirically known, Kikunae Ikeda found that L-monosodium glutamate could make us sense umami in 1907. He derived the chemical by boiling dried kelp, which is one of the most popular ingredients to get good dashi in Japan. Most western scientists did not approve the new taste, but it was proven that there are receptors of umami on our tongues in 2000. Dashi means soup that can provide any dishes with umami. For most Japanese dishes, we use some dashi in them. The most typical sauce shoyu or soy source contains a lot of umami in it such as amino acid, glutamic acid, and asparagine acid. Now umami is translated into English as savory.
Except for dried kelp, we use katsuobushi, dried bonito, niboshi or iriko, dried small sardine, and also dried shiitake mushroom, and so on. Combinations of dried kelp and dried bonito are the most important skill for all Japanese dishes’ chefs. One good thing about these two ingredients is that they are well prepared for daily usage and we can easily use them even at home. On the contrast, in French dishes, chefs take some burdensome steps to get Bouillon, or broth.
Do not forget one more important material: water. Some western chefs tried to use dried kelp and dried bonito in their countries, but because of the different quality of water, they could not get good dashi. I heard that some famous Japanese chefs brought a big bottle of Japanese water with them when they were asked to cook in foreign countries.
I show you a good example of Japanese dishes that utilize dashi: Dashi maki tamago, or Japanese style rolled omelet with dashi. It is a very simple dish, just bake egg with dashi mixed, but it is very tough to get a good figure. We use a special small square pan just for this dish.
At last, one thing I hate is that many Japanese house wives use instant powder type dashi that uses MSG for their daily dishes. I never choose convenience over getting good dashi.

What kind of TV programs should children watch or not watch?

The following essay is what I wrote as an writing assignment for an English school AEON:

Topic: What kind of TV programs should children watch or not watch?
Style: Formal

For this topic, an old episode in China related to the mother of the famous Chinese philosopher Mensius (372–289 BC or 385–303 or 302 BC) could be a good reference. During raising and teaching him, she changed residences three times. At first, the mother and Mensius as a kid were living in the vicinity of some graves. The young Mensius always emulated some rituals of funerals as a play. Then the mother changed their residences to a place close to a big market. Mensius then started to mimick actions of merchants such as counting money. The mater decided to change their dwellings again, this time next to a school. At last, Mensius started to learn mimicking students in the school and he later became a famous philosopher of Confucianism. The lesson of this episode is that kids can be easily affected by both good and bad things or environments.
From this viewpoint, we can easily conclude that we should give only good and some educational TV programs to our kids. This approach, however, is easy to say but hard to do. In my childhood, there was no smartphone nor the Internet. Nowadays, most children are given their own smartphones. They can watch anything in YouTube or in some other video distributing services. It is true that there are some “parental control” software to limit the range of the contents on the Internet for children. The problem is, however, that recent kids are all born to be users of smartphones and they are usually more proficient in utilizing the equipment than their parents. It may be easy for them to unlock the parental control software without being noticed by their parent.
Another factor you should consider is that it is very important for kids to watch the same programs as their friends, otherwise they might be excluded from the circle of daily talks with their friends. Thus, some famous TV programs at that age, even though they are somewhat vulgar, should be allowed to kids to some extents. In my personal experiences, the reason I became a big fan of comic and animation is because my father did not allow me to read comics and to watch animation so often at home. That was a clear backlash.
There is no clear conclusion for this essay, but it is no use to worry about the possible future of your kids. They are usually not so foolish as you may think, and they will soon be able to select suitable TV programs by themselves.